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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Love Life

I guess this conversation sums it up:

JD: "Can I ask you about Moroccan love life?"
Moroccan: "Love life, what is that?"

The son of one of the families I stayed with has a girlfriend for over a year, yet only once was she allowed in his/parents house, and they meet secretly, or he calls her while "going out to buy cola". He wants to marry her, but cant until he buys a house for them. Only then can they get engaged, eventually married, then "eventually" have sex! Yep, only AFTER marriage. There's no "try-then-buy" policy in Morocco, or for strong Muslim believers.

Yet, having said this, there are some rare folk who deep down (way down) in their souls hold
a secret of making out with someone, but not a potential wife.

Soon I'll upload a private and VERY candid interview I had with a young Moroccan, who only opened up after his mum & sisters left the room.

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